Department of Biology

🎉 Congratulations to Ms. Sophia Rhys Bañados! 🎉

The Department of Biology proudly congratulates Ms. Sophia Rhys Bañados, 2nd Year Student of the BS Biology program for being the first UP Baguio student to receive the SHEStems Scholarship Award as part of the inaugural cohort for SY 2024-2025. Ms. Bañados is among the 10 scholars selected for this prestigious program nationwide. 👩🏽‍🔬🧬🔬

The SHEStems Scholarship Awards, a project of UN Women Philippines National Goodwill Ambassador Karen Davila, aims to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women. As a global champion for women and girls, UN Women strives to accelerate progress in meeting their needs worldwide.

We are incredibly proud of you, Ms. Bañados! ✨