Department of Biology

Bachelor of Science in


The BS Biology program is a four-year thesis program that provides thorough grounding in the biological sciences. It offers three areas of concentration: General Biology, Ecology and Systematics and Microbiology. All areas will have common core courses that will equip students with basic biological concepts and methodologies, and develop competencies in conducting research in the various field of biology.

Program Objectives

The BS Biology is a four-year undergraduate program that provides the students with thorough grounding in the biological sciences by:

  • Instilling among the students important biological principles, theories, concepts and methods;
  • Keeping them abreast with the latest developments in Biology and allied Sciences
  • Honing their research skills in the field and in the laboratory; and
  • Inculcating in them a scientific and ethical culture of science.


The BS Biology program has set four (4) guiding Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs). These PLOs are firmly anchored onto the Vision and Mission of the University of the Philippines System and the University of the Philippines Baguio.

Program Learning Outcomes

Generic Program Learning Outcomes
PLO 1 To make critical and informed assessments and interventions regarding local and global issues in the context of public service
PLO 2 To develop self-motivated education characterized by professional, social, and ethical responsibility in a multidisciplinary and multicultural setting
Specific Program Learning Outcomes
PLO 3 To generate knowledge through independent research in the fields of general biology, microbiology and ecology and systematics for dissemination to the scientific community and the public
PLO 4 To adopt best practices in laboratory techniques, fieldwork, and scientific inquiry tailored to address environmental challenges and health issues as researchers, graduate students, and environmental managers.

Areas of Concentration