Department of Biology

Undergraduate Courses

Course IDCourse TitleCourse DescriptionNo. of UnitsPrerequisite
BIO 100 Integrative BiologyPrinciples and methods in general biology; fundamental concepts in cell structure and function, histology, anatomy, physiology, reproductive biology, ontogeny and phylogeny of plants and animals.5N/A
BIO 101Statistical Methods in Biology3
BIO 102PhycologyTaxonomy, morphology & phylogeny of algae. 3N/A
BIO 103Mycology Taxonomy, morphology & ecology of the fungi & lichens. 3N/A
BIO 110SystematicsThe three domains of life in an evolutionary framework; biological species concept and variation in populations, taxonomic and phylogenetic approaches to systematic studies and its relevance to conservation biology. 3N/A
BIO 113Fundamentals of VirologyViral taxonomy, structure, replication, and pathogenesis; virus-host interactions. 3BIO 120, BIO 150
BIO 121Industrial Microbiologym 26.1. 9 h (3 lec, 6 lab). 5u. 121 Industrial Microbiology. Techniques in isolation, purification, cultivation, screening, identification, and preservation of economically-important microbes with emphasis on trends and issues in the Philippines.3BIO 120
BIO 123Fundamentals of Microbial Physiology Composition and structure of microbial cells; regulation of biochemical activities associated with cellular metabolism.3BIO 120
BIO 125Medical MicrobiologySurvey of various microorganisms associated with human health and description of host-pathogen interaction.3BIO 120
BIO 140GeneticsPrinciples of heredity & variation.4BIO 101, CHEM 40
BIO 141Fundamentals of Microbial GeneticsStructure, expression, and applications of exchange of genetic materials in bacteria, fungi, and bacteriophages.3BIO 120
BIO 150 Introduction to Molecular & Cell BiologyPrinciples of cell biology.4CHEM 40, 40.1
BIO 160EcologyPrinciples of plant & animal associations4ZOO 111, BOT 109, BIO 101, CHEM 26, CHEM 26.1, GEOL 11
BIO 161 Field BiologyPlants & animals in their natural environment; their preparation for laboratory study.5BIO 160
BIO 162Terrestrial CommunitiesPhysical, chemical & biological aspects of terrestrial habitats4BIO 160
BIO 163Fundamentals of Microbial EcologyEcology and evolution of microorganisms, microbial interrelationships and biogeochemical cycles.3BIO 120
BIO 164LimnologyPhysical, chemical & biological aspects of freshwater habitats.4BIO 160
BIO 165BiogeographyEcological and historical aspects of spatial distribution of plants and animals.3JS or COI
BIO 166Marine Ecology.Physico-chemical and biological patterns in shallow water and deep sea marine communities; interactions at various levels of organization in the marine environment; and impacts of human activities on marine habitats.4BIO 160
BIO 167 Selected Topics in Ecology. (3 lec, 3 lab). 4u. 167 Selected Topics in Ecology. Selected topics dealing with plant & animal associations.3ZOO 111, 111.1, BOT 109
BIO 195 Biological Evolution. Theories, principles & mechanisms of evolution.3JS
BIO 197 Selected Topics in Biology3COI
BIO 198SeminarPrereq: JS/COI. 1u. May be repeated for an additional unit.
BOT 10General BotanyThe structure, function, classification, heredity & evolution of plants.3N/A
BOT 105BryologyThe biology of liverworts, mosses and hornworts.3N/A
BOT 160PteridologyMorpho-anatomy, reproduction and development, major evolutionary patterns, distribution and conservation, and techniques in the collection and identification of ferns and lycophytes.3N/A
BOT 109Systematics of SpermatophytesThe systematics of seed-bearing plants (angiosperms and gymnosperms). 4N/A
BOT 119Plant AnatomyThe anatomy of the vascular plants designed for detailed study of their internal structure & development.5N/A
BOT 120Plant Physiology The fundamental aspects of plant nutrition, absorption & translocation of materials, growth, movements & reproduction. Prereq:4PHYSICS 100, MATH 100, CHEM 40, CHEM 40.1, BOT 119
CHEM 11General & Inorganic ChemistryThe essentials of general inorganic college chemistry. The fundamental principles of the subject & the practical application to the industries &everyday life. P5MATH 11 or EQUIVALENT
CHEM 16General Chemistry IFundamentals of chemistry5CHEM 16, MATH 14 or EQUIVALENT
CHEM 18 Elementary Physical ChemistryOverview of general chemistry principles and introduction to basic physical chemistry concepts and their applications.4COREQ: CHEM 18.1
CHEM 18.1 Elementary Physical Chemistry LaboratoryBasic laboratory techniques and experiments in physical chemistry1CHEM 18
CHEM 26Analytical ChemistryPrinciples & techniques of analysis with emphasis on volumetric methods & stoichiometry; survey of common instrumental methods. To be taken simultaneously with Chem 26.1.3CHEM 11
CHEM 26.1Analytical Chemistry Laboratory2CHEM 26.6
CHEM 31Elementary Organic Chemistry Introduction to modern theories in organic chemistry. Correlation of structure with properties of organic compounds. Basic laboratory techniques in elementary organic chemistry. To be taken simultaneously with Chem 31.1.3CHEM 11
CHEM 31.1 Elementary Organic Chemistry Laboratory2
CHEM 40Elementary BiochemistryAn elementary treatment of structure-function relationship of biomolecules & biochemical mechanisms. To be taken simultaneously with Chem 40.1.3(CHEM 26, CHEEM 26.1, CHEM 31, CHEM 31.1) or (CHEM 17, CHEM 31, 31.1) or EQUIVALENT
CHEM 40.1 Elementary Biochemistry Laboratory2CHEM 40
SCIENCE 11Living Systems: Concepts and DynamicsPrinciples, interactions, and contemporary issues concerning living systems.3
BIO 10The Gene in LifeThe fundamental role of the gene in life.3
ZOO 10Fundamentals of ZoologyBasic aspects and principles of Zoology5
ZOO 102Comparative Anatomy of VertebratesPhylogenetic development of the organ systems in the various classes of vertebrates. 5
ZOO 106General HistologyStructure of the various animal tissues. 4
ZOO 111Invertebrate ZoologyGeneral survey of the invertebrates. 5ZOO 10
ZOO 112 Vertebrate ZoologyGeneral survey of the vertebrates. 5
ZOO 113ParasitologyOrigin and degree of parasitism, structural peculiarities of parasites, life-cycles and host parasite relationship. 4
ZOO 120Animal PhysiologyPrinciples of functional zoology with emphasis on physiological adaptations. 4Physics 100, Math 100, Chem 40, Chem 40.1, Zoo 102
ZOO 132Vertebrate EmrbyologyProcesses and theories of development of representative vertebrates. 5ZOO 102