Department of Biology

Current Research Projects

FacultyProject TitleDurationPartner Institution
Jeno Rey R. PagaduanMonitoring of Microplastics and Macroplastics accumulation in Ambuklao Lake, Bokod, Benguet Using Automated Technologies2023-2024Interdisciplinary Team Research Grant (ITRG)
Arvin Jet B. MarcaidaEcology of Cercarial Production in Tropical Freshwater Ecosystems: Host-Parasite Connections of Trematodes in the Cagayan RiverApril 2022 - May 2024DOST-JSPS Joint Research Program
Ronan Q. BaculiEffects of nutrient pollution on the taxonomic and functional diversity of bacterial primo-colonizers of plastics in marine environment.August to October 2023Dr. Neo Mei Lin at the St. John’s Island National Marine Laboratory, National University Singapore
Zenaida G. BaoananEnhancing Urban Biodiversity within the Buyog Watershed in Baguio City (UP Baguio Focal Person and research team member)July 2022 - Dec 2022 (partnership is still on going)DENR-CAR
Zenaida G. BaoananAfrican Tulip (Spathodea campanulata P. Beauv.): An emerging threat to Baguio City’s Green SpaceApril 2022 - Sept 2023Cordillera Studies Center-Interdisciplinary Research Grant, UP Baguio
Zenaida G. BaoananAssessment of Bioinvasion and Proliferation of Exotic Plant Species in Camp John Hay Forest Reserve in Baguio City: A Basis for the Policy Inputs on the Management of Exotic Plants and Promotion and Restoration of Native PlantsApril 2022 - March 2024DENR Foreign Assisted and Special Projects Service (FASPS)
Ma. Easter Joy V. SajoHEIRIT: Establishment of Social Innovation Laboratory and Business Inclusion (SILBI) Center: A DOST-supported Technology Business Incubation (TBI) at the University of the Philippines Baguio (UPB) - Project LeaderJanuary 2023 - December 2024Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (DOST PCIEERD)
Ma. Easter Joy V. SajoGeneration of Breast Cancer Mammosphere Assay as potential approach towards individualized cancer management - Project StaffMarch 2021 – December 2023 (with 10-month extension)DOST-PCHRD